Tostadora de café Probat

Laboratory equipment

MYASA is a proud representative of PROBAT, the world’s leading company in this field. We have a wide range of laboratory equipment for quality control and cupping; such as this new sample roaster with software for profiling roast curves.

Shop roasters

MYASAand PROBAT offer you a complete range of toasters, from 5 to 100 kg / h in 4 loads, to make your shop or cafeteria a specialty.

Tostadora de café Probat One
Planta Tostadora de café Probat

NEPTUNE industrial drum roasters

PROBAT is the world leader manufacturing industrial drum roasters, with capacities from 500 to 3000 kg / h, in 4 loads.

JUPITER tangential industrial roasters

Tangential toasters 100% hot air, for a quick and even toasting with capacities from 500 to 5000 kg / h and possibility of roasting very small or broken grains.

Tostador de café Probat Tangencial Júpiter
Tostadora de café Probat modelo Centrífugo Saturno

SATURN centrifugal industrial roasters

Centrifugal roasters give us a great roasting capacity, from 300 to 4000 kg / h in a variety of schedules.

Basic toaster

Basic toasters are complete integrated systems, ready to work. They include total automation, trimmer, afterburner, cyclones and husk compactor, 1000 and 2000 kg / h.

Tostadora de café Basic Ausschnitt
Tostador Torrefactor CN con azúcar

Torrefactor Toaster CN with sugar

The Colombo toaster offers you toasting with sugar, liquid or granulated between 20% and 30%.

Peripheral equipment

We have the peripheral equipment to optimize your production line such as: Refrigerated roller mills, afterburners, catalysts, pneumatic and paddle conveyors, trimmers, scales, silos etc.

Molinos de café Probat
Tostadora de café Probat

Complete plants

MYASA and PROBAT offer you a team of complete plant specialist designers, in order to adjust to your spaces and needs, from green coffee to delivering roasted or ground coffee to packaging machines.

Packing machines

TME is the manufacturer of vertical packaging machines of high quality and performance. For various applications mainly in the area of coffee, also has machines for capsules and pods.

Envasadora de café TME modelo cv-a
Válvulas desgasificadoras para café

Degassing valves

In MYASA we sell degassing valves used mainly for coffee bags.